Unexpected foods that can help against colds

Simple and affordable products effectively help to cope with the cold is to protect the body from infection and alleviate the symptoms when already appeared diseases. These are dairy products and natural wholegrain cereals, said dietician Victoria Savitskaya.

According to Savitskaya, the season of the onset of flu and colds dairy products become indispensable helpers of the immune system. Their use positively affects the gastrointestinal tract, improving the state of its flora, and this factor has a decisive influence on the strength of the immune system.

If you have the opportunity to skachivat kefir or yogurt, no need to put that time in, advised the specialist. This way you can get a really natural product that contains no artificial additives.

“It is proven that present in natural dairy products probiotics are known to reduce flu-like symptoms: fever, cough and runny nose,” said the doctor.
As for the cereals of the whole grain, the most strong anti-influenza properties are oatmeal and barley, suggested Savitskaya. Cereals are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, is primarily valuable for immunity selenium and zinc, which are very few in other products, stated doctor.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that spicy food has proven its ability to promote longevity.