This water strengthens the memory and attentiveness

Rosemary water strengthens the memory by 15% and provides turbosketch of the brain. To such conclusion scientists from Northumbria University.

The use of rosemary water strengthens memory and even recharges the brain, as shown by the study of British scientists. They assessed the effect of eating small servings of rosemary water and found that it strengthens a person’s ability to remember past events by approximately 15%. Rosemary contains essential oils, which, according to some experts, increase blood flow to the brain, and can have a positive impact on the memory of man. Researchers have even compared the effect of rosemary water on the brain turbosketch. They said that received a statistically convincing evidence of improvements in working memory in people who use rosemary water.

In the experiment, it is water or similar liquid on it, does not have any active components, had 80 healthy volunteers. 20 minutes after drinking water they passed through a series of tests that measure cognitive brain activity. In particular, they were shown 15 words on the screen for a few seconds, later they had a minute to remember the maximum number.

To assess the performance of the brain also conducted a scan to determine the amount of oxygen in the blood. Thus it was possible to measure how well all the volunteers used the energy required to perform the task. It turned out that rosemary water helped the subjects to use their memory as efficiently as possible, but the same effect was given by inhalation of the aroma of this plant, which has been confirmed in previous studies. (READ MORE)