The products are suitable for dealing with stress

Scientists told about the food, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the health of the nervous system. The regular inclusion of these products in the diet improves the body’s adaptation to stress and allows you to keep a healthy mind in difficult circumstances.

One of the best products that reduce the effects of stress, is a red fish like salmon. The positive effect of this product is due to the action of unsaturated fatty acids contained in its composition.

Vegetable such as okra (okra) is a high content of vitamin B. research has shown that eating okra stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. When dopamine is released in the centers of the reward system of the brain, we experience joy, pleasure and relaxation.

Extremely useful to protect against stress is food containing complex carbohydrates – these components stimulate the production of serotonin, which reduces the level of stress hormones in the body. Complex carbohydrates a lot in coarse cereals (barley, oats), legumes, root crops.

Kiwi (or pineapple, plums) contain the amino acid tryptophan which, when ingested, increases serotonin. Spinach, cashews, and chocolate (cocoa) to supply our body with magnesium – its high concentration in the blood effectively suppress the stress sensitivity of the receptors.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what combination of products is particularly useful for health promotion.