The most common questions about colds and flu Likar.Info

We respect the folklore, but not about health. So on the eve of the season of colds and flu studied tips, stories, and traditional recipes Agrippa and cold and weed out the wheat from the chaff.

How to get the flu and colds

Fact: you are more likely to catch a cold by touching a door handle, kitchen towel or the handrail in the bus. The handshake also contributes to the spread of germs. But in the case of flu you getnear a sneezing/coughing person.

High temperature about to starve

Fact: never starve yourself! Nourishing warm drinks and soups .

Cold sick?

Fact: you can get sick from peremerzaniya. The struggle with the cold depresses the immune system.

What are colds?

Fact: there are about 200 videostrue respiratory viral infections, and on average, each person is sick a couple of times over the winter. However, once the cold passes, your body creates an immunity that protects against reinfection with the same virus.

Colds need to postpone a workout?

Fact: gentle exercise and fresh air will accelerate the recovery from acute respiratory viral infection. But if you have the flu, go to bed! Rest is necessary to quickly stand up.

Antibiotics are the only way to cure the common cold and the flu?

Fact: antibiotics are only for bacterial infections and has no effect on the viruses that cause colds and flu. You can naznacheniyami only if the cold has moved into a secondary infection such as bronchitis.

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