The benefits and harms of pomegranate juice

The contents

Useful properties of pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice for pregnant women

The use of pomegranate juice for men

Even our ancestors used the grenadesas a means of combating disease and used in the diet. In those days the doctors of ancient Rome and Greece knew about the healing properties of this fruit and used it in the treatment of their patients. With the help of pomegranate struggled with a sore throat, dysentery, bleeding and fever, and tried to cure diseases of the intestines and stomach. In our time still the actual healing qualities of pomegranate juice, it is often used in unique recipes of traditional medicine.

Useful properties of pomegranate juice

Useful properties of pomegranate juice is its very high biological activity, it is much higher than other berries and fruits. The juice extracted from the pomegranate because of its valuable qualities is considered to be the most useful compared to others. He is the leader by quantity of the content of different organic acids and especially citric acid. It is because the juice has such unique and memorable sour taste. Also, this juice contains a lot of nutrients such as: phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, water soluble polyphenols and different vitamins. The amount of potassium in it, it takes a honourable first place among other juices. Due to its helpful and healing qualities of this fruit doctors first recommend visitors to bring in their treatment of patients. Because of its constituent polyphenols, or as they are called, of antioxidants, our body slows down its aging. This juice is very a lot of admirers, so people reasonably want to know about his good and bad qualities.

Most beneficial effects of pomegranate juice has on the digestive system. Due to its constituent of folacin, tannin and pectin compounds it is able to cope with diarrhea and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Organic acid has a positive effect on our digestion. Juice can give our body the greatest amount of contained vitamins and minerals, this useful quality due to its easy digestibility.

For people faced with such problems as hypertension and edema, pomegranate juice will help their diuretic properties. Its truly unique feature is that it greatly enriches the patient’s body potassium, and washes away this useful trace of its composition, as occurs with the use of other drugs. This quality pomegranate juice allows to forget about the swelling and a positive effect on the work of our hearts, but also affects the healing processes of this important organ. For patients suffering from anemia it is very important regular application of this juice, because of its healing ability will lead to the normalization of hemoglobin level in the blood.

Everyone knows thatred wine, cranberry and green tea for its therapeutic properties protect our body from free radicals, but they will never cope with this task, as does pomegranate juice. Because of these features it is necessary to include in the daily diet of people who live in areas with a high radioactive background. These unique abilities he does not form in the body cancerous tumors and prevents their further development and especially effectively cope with malignant tumors in the prostate gland. And in winter, pomegranate juice will serve as antiviral drug and save, and increase your immunity. Doctors recommend to take it for colds, flu and atherosclerosis. Pomegranate juice is doing a fine job of quenching thirst and can improve the appetite, promotes more rapid healing of burns.

Pomegranate juice for pregnant women

It must necessarily include in the daily diet of a pregnant woman. But we should not forget his rather strong concentration and dilute it when you use carrot or beet juice. Experts also suggestto prepare vitamin cocktails. A hundred grams of pomegranate juice add fifty grams of carrot or beet juice. If expectant mothers will drink this fortified blend in the evening and in the morning, not in any vitamin complexes it would not experience the need. But keep in mind that to drink it is necessary, resorting to the help of straws, so as not to hurt their teeth.

To use this juice as a preventive measure dilute its simple boiled water. Then he will not have a irritable effect on the digestive organs and promote the destruction of tooth enamel. Those who want to make something new in your daily menu, you can experiment by diluting it with various fruits from the tropics, and you get a very useful and exotic drinks.

To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood drink pomegranate juice every day for a 250 ml Can divide the number of juice on a few pieces and drink it, diluting it with boiled water throughout the day. If you dilute the juice add a spoonful of honey, you will get an excellent way to fight acne.

The use of pomegranate juice for men

It is necessary to mention the benefits of juice for men. As research shows pomegranate juice, exclusively, useful for the male body.

– Significantly cleaned up cholesterol from blood vessels, promotes contained in the juice antioxidants.

– Serves as a prophylactic to prevent the occurrence of cancer of the prostate.

– Helps replenish our daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.

– Everyone knows that when bad blood circulation, male power becomes much weaker and beneficial properties of the juice have a positive effect on the heart muscle, which in turn is good for potency.

Also tell about the harm that can cause health pomegranate juice. People who suffer from excessive acidity and diseases such as pancreatitis, with peptic ulcer, you should refrain from drinking juice. This article already mentioned its destructive influence on the enamel of the teeth. Know the measure to use pomegranate juice and no negative effects you receive, and will extract only benefits for your body.

Previously, scientists have discovered a useful property of pomegranate juice.