SOS-Exercises for acute back pain: 4 measures, which will help quickly

The back hurts, you don’t have to go to the doctor. Various measures can help relieve acute back pain. Simple Exercises knots. Cold, stops the pain and baths provide relaxation in the muscles.

As a General rule: Especially in connection with acute back pain, you can actively play a role in pain relief. Keep in mind, however, that you should not consult a doctor, if the pain be better or other symptoms arise. In this context, the distinction between acute and chronic pain, is important. The proposed Exercises are designed for acute pain, but not for those which recur in varying strength for several months again and again!

The ultimate goal of all these measures is that they retain their flexibility. It is therefore important that you prescribe yourself a maximum of a day’s bed rest, and your usual activities and movements to be maintained – of course in moderation.

Relieve back pain

Through specific Exercises, which are also used in the physiotherapy application and the I am presenting to you below, can be alleviated acute pain in the back. Alternatively or in addition, can also be used breathing techniques to loosen the cramped muscles in the back, so, for example, the belly breathing, where the abdominal wall when you breathe in and out raises and lowers, while the chest remains quiet.

About the expert

Dr. Tobias Weigl is a physician, pain expert and Director of the medical technology company Bomedus GmbH.

Exercises for back pain

Exercise 1: Stage Storage

You lay with your back on a firm surface, e.g. a carpet or a blanket on the floor. Your feet and lower legs, you lay on a chair, a water box or the Sofa. Make sure that the hip and knee joints, respectively, form an angle of 90 degrees. And now very important: Relax and breathe four to six times quietly and deeply, in and out. You try very consciously, the Lifting and Lowering of my chest.

Purpose of the level of storage is to bring the back in a quiet and relaxing Position. Keep the legs at a right angle angled high, is pressed, the entire back flat on the floor; the muscles can relax. At the same time, the pressure on the band is reduced slices and spread evenly. By the 90-degree angle in the hip additionally, the vertebral channel is extended slightly. Continue to breathe in the Exercise is always very quiet – so far as possible, due to the possibly strong, acute pain.

Exercise 2: Supine Position

You lay on a firm surface on your back and stretch the legs. To relax the neck muscles, support the head and neck with a rolled up towel or a bolster. Now put a thick pillow or a knee roll under knee joints to relieve the back completely. And now, once again, important: continue to Breathe in the Exercise, quietly.

Unlike at the stage of storage of the legs during this Exercise, remain sprawled on the ground. So that no hollow cross forms, must be lined to the knee under the pressure of back muscles, lumbar vertebrae, and the band is taken slices and a state of relaxation initiated. In addition to the pressure reduction, it is already by this simple Position to extensions in the vertebral canal, allowing the nerves to get back more free space. The use of a neck pillow promotes relaxation of the upper spine section.

Exercise 3: Side Position

You lie sideways on a carpet, the Sofa or the bed. The pain on one side of the back are stronger than on the other, should be the painful side up. Knee and hip angles you can easily, in order to achieve a stable position, the muscles can relax. For improved stability, you can place in addition, place a pillow between the knees. Place the head on your bent forearms or a flat pillow so that the spine remains in the upper area.

This Exercise is particularly suitable if you have acute back pain, affecting only one side of the back. Can have you but only if you bring with the help of the hip and knee flexion, as well as the pillow in a stable Position for the spine can find back to their natural shape and muscles can relax, because on the painful side of the back end weighs no more pressure.

Cold therapy for back pain

A cold therapy (cryotherapy) is, other than heat therapy, especially for acute and for chronic pain. Great exposure to the cold ensures that the metabolic activity is reduced. This has the consequence that, as from temperatures of minus 20 degrees Celsius, the pain transmission is interrupted.

Practically, this effect can be achieved well with ice packs: Crushed you ice cubes, and fill a freezer bag. Then wrap the bag in a towel. Now wait a Moment, until the ice pack in the room temperature has warmed up. Only after that the ice pack is part of the section, then on the affected Back. The pain subsides, you can take the treatment for 20 to 30 minutes. Pain relief is your goal, it is sufficient if the ice pack is 1-3 minutes.

A towel can also be helpful. You set one for a certain amount of time in the freezer of your refrigerator. Then, you wrap the painful area of the body. The advantage of this is that the cloth to the body shape adapts.

Heat therapy is only in the case of chronic pain is useful. An increased heat supply may worsen inflammation that may be for the complaints.

Pain means pain in the back

Basically, the goal of any back treatment is to think holistically. This means, to relieve the pain from different angles to work with complementary methods, but also to identify, if possible, the causes of the pain.

Drug treatments of pain are also, in the case of back complaints are quite legitimate. However, be careful, first of all, on light painkillers. Suitable means of drugs, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, which work, among other things, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Massages and baths for back pain

A relaxation of the muscles can be achieved by appropriate sedative and relaxing baths. Warm baths for the muscle relaxation. The effect is further enhanced by the additional extracts in bath products, such as, for example rosemary,

Also helpful is a Massage. Use fingertips to Massage the Thumb and the heel of the hand, as both antispasmodic. Massages can promote to the targeted pressure, the blood circulation and a soothing effect. The massage motion should be in circles, or gently kneading. You ask for a Partner to take on this. It is important to keep the massaging after the treatment warm. This goes particularly well with body oils and ointments. These enhance the effect.