Guide to bread: what to buy and what to forget about

Black, white, grey, bran, low fat, gluten free… How many flavors, so many types of bread. Which one is “around the head” and some “empty calories”?

Select the most useful bread and chew sandwiches without remorse:

Wheat white

Baguettes, rolls, loaf – all the calorie and useless kind of bread. Once you eat a piece of white in your blood increases sugar levels, releases insulin, then the sugar crashes and you’re hungry again. This bread often overeat.

And, although wheat grains are rich in vitamins and minerals in white bread they are not. For wheat flour from the kernels separated from the shell and it contains almost all the useful elements. High temperature during baking destroys the remnants of vitamins.

Those who can’t imagine life without fresh bread rolls made from wheat flour, experts advise to choose the product with the useful additions: seeds, vegetables, bran. So your body will not only empty carbohydrates, but also fiber.

Grey and black

In this bread add the rye flour. It is several times slower than wheat, and use it more. Rye flour removes toxins, nourishes the body with amino acids, fiber and trace elements. And it causes a feeling of satiety, so black bread, you won’t overeat.

But the products from 100% rye flour is almost not sold in the supermarket is too long and costly for them to bake. Therefore, black bread add roughly 15% of wheat flour.

Whole wheat

The bread made from whole grains include foods made from unrefined flour. In it after baking retains all the nutrients of the grain.

This bread lowers blood sugar levels and prevents the development of diabetes. It is rich in fiber, improves digestion, has beneficial effects on the digestive tract and helps to form healthy microflora. Whole wheat bread contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. But its main advantage is dietary fiber which remove excess cholesterol and toxins.


A very trendy product, but it is meaningless. First, almost any bread is unleavened, because the yeasts are killed at temperatures above 60 °C. Bread oven heated to 200 °C.

And, secondly, the only bread that is baked from real unleavened dough – pita bread. But it’s not really a bread: there’s no crumb, no peel. All other types of “yeast-free” product in any case, yeast is added, not industrial, and wild. They are almost indistinguishable and belong to a single species. But also wild and cultured yeast are contained in almost any food, and even in our body. The latter is used for baking simply because they loosen up the better the bread.


Alternative to losing weight. They’re not less calories than bread, but at the expense of fiber is much faster create a feeling of satiety.

Breads produced from almost all cereals – wheat, barley, rice, buckwheat, corn. Sometimes they add seeds or vegetables. In the production of bread grain “explodes,” and therefore increases in volume. Thanks to this technology the loaves cook quickly and retain most of the nutrients.


The same fashion, the creation of marketers, like unleavened bread.

This is a great solution for patients with celiac disease (gluten intolerance), but such people are less than 1%. The rest of the 99% makes no sense to overpay for the sticker GlutenFree. Read about gluten and why it does not need to be afraid of, here.