An unexpected reason for the longevity

Researchers from Women’s hospital of Brigham came to the conclusion that carbohydrate intake may contribute to longevity, as the body becomes better prepared to face the infections. About the amazing Nahodkinskij specialists, writes Business Insider.

“Metered consumption of carbohydrates allows to expand considerably possibilities of the body: it strengthens the tissue and cells better mobilized to fight the disease” – to such conclusion scientists have come after a series of clinical trials of several types of food.
Researchers have organized a large-scale study of medical data from more than 447 thousand people. The obtained data testify that for the normal functioning of the human organism must be present in the diet of a large number of natural carbohydrates. In particular, the best sources were named fruit (even specifically bananas and apples). Specialists note that eating foods with a high level of natural carbohydrates is often not recommended due to the content of sugars. However, scientists insist that a certain amount of natural sugars is vital for the body to regular updates of the cells.

The authors of the project concluded that people who receive daily meals with a moderate amount of carbohydrates from natural products, “live much healthier and longer life.” Also best suppliers of carbohydrates they ranked the products from cultures of whole grains – bread, cereal.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about several economical, but highly effective ways to increase life expectancy.