A simple product to protect against stroke

A rich palette of nutrients contained in eggs prevents the occurrence of stroke, said the researchers. They told how many eggs may be present in the diet to effectively support health in season diseases.

Chicken eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, phospholipids, carotenoids needed by the body. According to a summary of Chinese scholars, the use of eggs protects the cardiovascular system, the data of nine studies involving more than 400 thousand people. It turned out that even eaten one egg per day significantly protects the heart and blood vessels from possible problems.

In particular, it turned out, “in case of single use the risk of hemorrhagic stroke was reduced by 25% and nearly 30% decreased probability of death for the same reason”.
Also, researchers found that eggs give the effect of protection from coronary heart disease, and early death due to cardiovascular disease.

The doctors noticed: up to 12 eggs per week will not bring any harm to human health.

Earlier Magicforum wrote, whether in reality eggs to lose weight.