7 foods that help burn belly fat

Everyone who lost weight, you know: to burn belly fat is difficult, this is one of the problem areas. Nutritionists told what foods help to stimulate metabolism of fat to make the abdomen slim.

Products against belly fat: broccoli. Broccoli consumption, as evidenced by scientific data, helps to burn visceral fat, and this type of fat accumulates in the stomach area. This effect of broccoli is due to the specific composition with a large amount of calcium, due to which accelerates the process of fat burning.

Products against belly fat: onion.Scientists advise us to eat fresh onions. This vegetable is rich content of inulin, which acts as a prebiotic and stimulates the intestinal microflora.

Products against belly fat: salmon. In this fish rich in vitamin D, which stimulates the signal pathways that maintain the active burning fat cells.

Products against belly fat: Greek yogurt. Contains not only calcium but protein, and are the main promoters of the slimming process.

Products against belly fat: legumes.Being complex carbohydrates, pulses are rich in soluble fiber, which contributes to a more intensive fat burning in the abdominal area.

Products against belly fat: avocados. According to recent studies, people who regularly consume avocados have a more slender waist.

Products against belly fat: chicken breast. White meat chicken breast is high in protein, it prolongs the feeling of fullness, free from the desire to eat something sweet.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about why after eating can head ache.