5 fatty foods that you want to include in the diet daily

Fatty foods are not as harmful and dangerous as many people think. Experts in the field of healthy nutrition told about which of these products should be included in the diet as often as possible.

In particular, the specialists have nothing against egg yolks – they contain fat accompanied by a rich vitamin content (vitamins A and C, choline, selenium). The research of experts from the British nutrition Foundation shows: eggs vegetable oil or any eggs themselves do not increase the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, eggs to a certain extent, can even reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, if not used together with products rich in saturated fat.

Other useful fatty foods is avocado. Its fruits are saturated fatty acids omega-3 which help to maintain the health of the skin and digestive system, as well as provide the required amount of electrolytes like potassium. Also a rich source of fatty acids omega 3 are seeds. In the composition of the seed in addition to fatty acids, contains lignans – substances that clean the blood vessels, expelling from them the excess cholesterol.

Walnuts belong to the fatty foods that experts recommend are not just frequently, but every day, despite their high caloric content. Walnuts contain not only fat – they have a lot of proteins, dietary fiber and antioxidants. Thanks to this combination of valuable nutrients walnuts accelerate metabolism and improve heart.

Extremely useful and products made from whole milk: the milk itself, it is advisable to drink every day in the volume of one glass. So you provide your body with potassium and vitamin D – two of the most useful nutrients for heart health and maintaining insulin sensitivity in humans.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what products help to be a survivor.