You close to a nervous breakdown. Signs and causes of stress

Stress is familiar to everyone, but do we know, what are they? What are the main signs of stress? And how to deal with stress?

Stress psychological state of the person at which there is a strong mental and physical activity. Such as the body’s response to external and internal stimuli, both negative and positive. External stimuli may be stress, and negative emotions, and monotonous bustle, and a great joy.

Stress in small doses, need to test everyone, because it forces us to seek a way out of problems, to think, without stress life would be boring. Due to the stress the human body acquires a new useful quality, which are necessary for the struggle for existence. For example, the stress response produces antibodies to fight infection.

Although, on the other hand, if the person is currently living under the oppression of stress, it decreases the efficiency of the person, the body weakens, loses strength, the ability to solve problems.

Main signs of stress

There are several signs of stress that are typical for most people:

  • A feeling of irritability, depression without reason.
  • The inability to concentrate on work.
  • Problems with memory, reduced speed of the thinking process, common mistakes.
  • Frequent headaches, pains in the stomach, which do not have organic causes.
  • Depression, physical weakness, reluctance to do anything, constant fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite or constant hunger.
  • The loss of a sense of humor.
  • Bad habits.
  • Irritability and resentment.
  • Constantly emerging desire to cry, watery eyes, turning into sobs, sadness, pessimism, self-pity.
  • The lack of interest to others, to relatives and friends.
  • The inability to relax to cast aside all their Affairs and problems.
  • Sometimes there are nervous tics, obsessive habits: a man biting his lips, chewing his nails. Appears restlessness, distrust of everyone.

Symptoms of stress can appear one at a time after the body has reacted to an external stimulus, their appearance can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Types of stress

Only share two types of stress:

  • eustress: positive stress, which aktiviziruyutsya cognitive processes and processes of self-knowledge, understanding of reality, aktiviziruyutsya memory.
  • distress: negative stress.

Stress is when the physical or mental factors acting on the body is forced to mobilize all forces, to fight and to live. There are physical and psychological stress, there are also many others but these are the most important. To physical stress include hypothermia, overheating, physical labor, etc. During light load, slight overheating, the body adapts, gets used and is easier to tolerate stress response. Mental stress is the collision of a man with conflicts, and everyday situations that cause us to mobilize our psychic powers. When a stressful situation is strong, the body is in a state of chronic and severe stress, which could result in disease.

Allocate many kinds of stress that affect people. Sometimes the word stress is used to refer to the stimulus.

  • Physical stress extreme cold or heat decrease or increase in atmospheric pressure.
  • Chemical stress exposure to various toxic substances.
  • Biological stress injuries, viral diseases, muscular overload.

The causes of stress

Stress affected both men and women, but each organism has its own peculiarities. If a person notices the signs of stress, it is necessary to identify its causes that would be easier to deal with stress. There are external causes of stress, for example:

  • change of the place of work
  • the death of a relative
  • germs and viruses
  • ambient temperature

Distinguish as internal causes of stresssuch as:

  • life values and beliefs
  • personal self-esteem

The effects of stress

When a person is long exposed to stress, it can lead to:

  • Stroke.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, disorders of appetite, constipation, diarrhea)
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia, drowsiness).
  • Impotence and other disorders.
  • The acceleration of aging, a sharp deterioration of the hair, skin, nails.
  • The appearance of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, tachycardia, angina)
  • The emergence of certain skin diseases such as eczema.
  • Stress can cause cancers in the human body.

How to deal with stress

Many people cope with stressful conditions with the help of antidepressants, drugs and alcohol, but these methods can lead to an even stronger addiction. What are ways of dealing with stress:

  • Normal and restful sleep.
  • Exercise in the fresh air, playing sports.
  • Proper and healthy diet.
  • Good folk remedy for combating stress and excitation is considered to be a decoction of chamomile, tea of lemon balm.
  • Breathing exercises (deep breath in through your nose, slow exhale through the mouth).