Why is the miscarriage

In Germany, scientists from the Medical faculty of the Ruhr University in Bochum concluded that the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women may be associated with the activity of a particular gene. Details of their study shared in the journal Scientific Reports.

The researchers found that the Math6 gene, and found that his inactivity can negatively affect fetal development. Scientists experimented with mice and found that females off Math6 gene was observed defects in the development of the maternal placenta. These females during pregnancy, there were changes in the blood vessels, provoking hemorrhage and fetal death.

Similar to the results of a lack of both parental copies of the gene Math6, stated the experts.

Prior to this, scientists at the University of Milan published in the journal BJU International results of studies on the causes of male infertility. The researchers concluded that the development of infertility in men can contribute to type II diabetes and metabolic disorders.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that canadian researchers from the University of Alberta has linked pregnancy and childbirth in women age 35 years with a certain risk for the mother and her child.