The vitamin that can save you from flu

Scientists from the School of medicine of the University JICA in Tokyo claim that those who take vitamin D, get sick with flu less often. About their experiment that showed this in detail in the publication American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

In use of vitamin D as a powerful means of prevention of flu and colds Japanese experts are convinced from the tests involving 167 children. The researchers said that the protective effect of vitamin D due to its ability to stimulate the immune system.

“This vitamin “wakes up” the proteins defensin and cathelicidin which trigger cell activity and at the same time deaktiviert viruses and pathogens not only flu, but also meningitis and pneumonia”, – quotes authors American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
According to scientists, for the prevention of dangerous diseases adults should take 100 to 200 milligrams. The dosage for elderly, children, pregnant and lactating women, they believe, must be above two to three times.

Vitamin D, in addition to pharmaceutical drugs found in fish and its caviar, liver (pork and beef), eggs, cream, sour cream, vegetable oil. Commenting on the discovery of Japanese researchers and experts who spoke on the pages of Healthy Holistic Living, stated that “serious science is now increasingly indicates the reliability of the effect of vitamin D”.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that vitamin D has proven itself as an effective means of protection against the development of obesity.