The myth about the benefits of vitamin D

Scientific experts claim that the opinion about the benefits of vitamin D, which is loved and respected throughout the world, in fact, greatly exaggerated. This nutrient once helped to save the children of the Victorian era from rickets, but in our time, experts stress that its healing value in this plan almost came to naught.

The largest clinical trial studying the possible health benefits of consuming vitamin D with the participation of more than 500 000 people of different ages or social status, has demonstrated that this vitamin, contrary to popular assertion, does not make a stronger bones of people and does not protect against fractures. Also, scientists became convinced of the futility of taking vitamin D to strengthen the muscles and increase physical activity.

Appreciating the fact that vitamin D was not as helpful and healing as was suggested earlier, scientific experts have noted many popular theories about the special benefits of vitamin D based on the studies of the 80-ies, “which are never repeated and was probably carried out with errors”.

If people take this vitamin, and their diet contains calcium-rich foods (milk, orange juice, cereal) – their body at risk to suffer from excess vitamin. Being fat soluble, vitamin D has the property to accumulate in the body, its excess can provoke the development of cardiovascular disorders, warned scientists. In addition, several randomized trials have shown that increased blood levels of vitamin D (above 800 units) correlated with a high risk of falls and fractures.

Note that the norm is the concentration of the vitamin D blood level of 50 to 80 nanomoles per liter. But the researchers argue that this ratio spaletta too high for the health is enough and 30 nanomoles per liter. Dangerous for the body and its functions, according to experts, assetstotal below 10 nmol/L.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that the average age people according to doctors have to practice “weekend alcoholic”.