Talking about lower back pain during pregnancy

The contents

Why is a sore lower back?

What you can do in this situation?

Preventive measures

Why is there such a thing as back pain during pregnancy? This is most likely not a sign of any disease, evidence of certain processes associated with changes in the body of the expectant mother. Magicforum found that can provoke such problems.

Why is a sore lower back?

The increased size of the abdomenbegins to intensify the pressure on all departments of the spine, but the biggest burden falls on the lower back. Preparation for childbirth means normal and the secretion of hormonal substances that when released into the blood lead to a change in the quality of ligaments and joints.

This is done to facilitate childbirth, allowing the pelvic bones to freely disperse. But such exposure has a negative effect, relaxing all the parts of the spine.

The vast majority of nutrients that enters the body of the pregnant woman, goes to the growth and development of the fetus. In particular this applies to calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D etc. the lack of Them can lead to changes that result in pain in the lumbar region.

Also lower back ache during pregnancy, while wearing uncomfortable shoes, tight, high heels. Long stay in a stationary position sitting or standing also contributes to the development of pain syndrome. If a pregnant woman is not engaged in physical exercises, such a phenomenon may occur with weakness of the muscles of the back.

Doctors talk a lot about the necessity of pregnancy planning, because it allows you to fully explore and to take measures for the treatment and prevention of all chronic diseases to how the body receives the load in bearing fruit.

Unfortunately, this is often not possible, and therefore, a sharp change of a hormonal background and a lot of stress when changes in the body leads to an exacerbation of pathological processes. These include diseases of the spine such as degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, herniated disc. In this case, the gynecologist gives her the direction for examination and treatment by a neurologist.

The action of progesteroneenhanced its formulation can cause in addition to menstruation and lower back pain a sign of pregnancy. This is due to the restructuring of the uterus and its ligaments, the pain from them stretching leads to various unpleasant sensations in the lower back.

Pain can cause pathology of kidneys – a pyelonephritis, a glomerulonephritis, pancreatic disease, peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.

What you can do in this situation?

Lower back pain in pregnant women appears on any term and normally disappears completely after childbirth. Upon detection of abnormalities, a woman should go to the hospital and pass a comprehensive examination.

In acute as to unload the spine is recommended using compliance during the several days of bed rest using local rastertime and ointments that do not contain active components that might damage the fetus.

Not recommended for independent use of those drugs that were taken earlier, before the pregnancy, as the main part of them can cause the unborn baby harm. All the means for relieving joint and muscle pain are discussed with a physician. Only a specialist can assess and weigh the degree of harm of drugs to the fetus and benefit to the treatment of his mother.

The painmay indicate the development of pyelonephritis – inflammation of the kidneys, in which it noted cloudy urine, due to an increase in her white blood cell count. The woman has a fever, and there may be swelling.

Preventive measures

If, after examination, the woman has not detected any disease, the doctor appoints treatment, but this does not mean that you cannot use certain measures to alleviate the condition.

It is recommended:

1.How you can spend less time in the same position, prolonged sitting or standing is necessary, from time to time, to take a walk, do a light workout.

2.Shoes should be of leather, heeled square-shaped, 4-5 cm tall, in the pathology of the spine or foot should choose an orthopedic option for continuous wear.

3.For loading of the back during a night of rest, you can consult a doctor and buy a special hard mattress.

4.You cannot carry something heavy in this position, as well as to take actions with sharp turns.

5.If necessary, you can unload the spine with wearing of the brace.

6.Nutrition during pregnancy must be complete and varied daily diet to include a lot of calcium and other minerals and vitamins.

7.In any weather it’s Hiking. This is especially true in Sunny weather to produce vitamin D.

8.During the day or night of rest, you can use cushions for putting under the waist.

9.To strengthen the muscles are recommended to do light exercises. Regarding the load level and types of exercises recommended to consult a doctor. This will remove the tension and tiredness of back muscles and eliminate back pain in pregnant women.

If upon the acceptance of all prevention pain persists or increases, associated with deterioration of General health, increased tone of the uterus, change of the appearance and character of discharge, you should, without waiting for the next inspection immediately visit a gynecologist.

40 weeks pregnant lower back pain can wear physiological nature, because in this moment there is prolapse of the fetus and head it presses on nerve endings. Reduce pain in this period does not make sense, as it is a short-term phenomenon that will pass after birth.

If the pain takes increasing and regular, and she is joined and compressive sensation in the abdomen surrounding nature, it is a sign that starts labors.

If during pregnancy aching lower back, then the obvious is the fact that the treatment or prevention of the deviations should be dealt with only by a qualified technician. This may be a nephrologist, a gastroenterologist, a neurologist. In order to choose, need the careful and voluminous research.

Earlier, the doctors told me what to do if a sore lower back.