Starvation may cause long-term mood disorders: depression and anxiety

A sudden drop in blood glucose that occurs when we feel the hunger, can affect our mood. Moreover, this effect may be long-term, according to the study, researchers from the University of Guelph (University of Guelph).

We found evidence that changes in the level of glucose can have a lasting effect on mood, said Professor of the faculty of psychology Francesco Leri (Leri Francesco). I was skeptical when people told me that they become rude, if you don’t eat, but now I believe it. Hypoglycemia strong physiological and psychological stressor.

When people think about negative emotions and stress, they think about the psychological factors and not on metabolic factors, explained the applicant the degree of doctor of philosophy Thomas Gorman (Thomas Horman), who led the study. But we found that poor dietary habits can have consequences.

A study published in the journal Psychopharmacology, studied the effect of a sudden drop of glucose on emotional behavior of rats. Rats were administered blocker of glucose metabolism, causing them to experience hypoglycemia, and then placed in a certain cell. Then, after a time, they were injected with the injection water and placed in another cell.

When choosing which camera to enter, the animals actively avoided the cameras, where he experienced hypoglycemia. This type of behavior is an expression of stress and anxiety, unwillingness to relive a stressful experience.

In blood of tested rats after hypoglycemia, the researchers found a significant concentration of corticosterone, indicating physiological stress.

Injection of blocker of glucose metabolism caused lethargy, which was held after taking antidepressants. Thus, the behavior has changed, although the muscles still did not receive glucose. This supports the idea that animals experiencing stress and depressed mood when hypoglycemia.

The obtained results can be useful for the treatment of people with depression and anxiety, according to Horman: Factors that lead to the development of depression and anxiety may differ from one person to another. Knowing that nutrition is a factor we can include dietary habits in the possible treatment.

These data also give an idea about the connection between depression and diseases such as obesity, diabetes, bulimia and anorexia. The researchers plan to determine whether chronic, long-term hypoglycemia a risk factor for development of depressive behavior.

Bad mood and poor nutrition can become a vicious circle if people don’t eat right, it can experience the downfall in the mood, and this lowering of mood can cause to not want to eat. If someone constantly skips meals and is constantly experiencing this stressor, the response can affect the emotional state on a more permanent level, summed up Herman.

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