Pregnancy to 29 years protects women from cancer

A group of scientists from Denmark and Norway publicized the findings that pregnancy and 29 years old and a baby on the period not earlier than 34 weeks reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. This conclusion is based on the results of the analysis gathered during the 40 years of data on nearly 4 million women.

The researchers said that it is possible to pinpoint the moment those changes in the female body, which give it extra protection from breast cancer. Such a turning point they believe the 34-th week of pregnancy.

“Women who have given birth to 29 years after 34 weeks, on average, 13.6% less likely to develop cancer of the breast than those without,” set the authors of the project.
Additionally, they noted that labor after 34 weeks after the second or third pregnancy at the age of 29 even further reduce the occurrence of breast cancer.

What happens at the 34th week in the female body, why it is increased protection from breast cancer and why such a pattern is not valid for women older than 29 years, scientists have yet to determine. According to their hypothesis, at this time the female body gets a signal that activates the immune system.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that in Russia increased the risk of cancer.