Poor sleep in adolescents is associated with a deadly brain disease

American scientists from the University of Pennsylvania concluded that adolescents with sleep disorders are more prone to disease in the future Alzheimer’s than their peers who sleep well at night.

“In adolescents who are sleeping insufficient number of hours at night or often Wake up, often form dangerous plaques in the brain, leading eventually to the emergence of dementia” – said, in particular, University staff.
Researchers conducted experiments on mice. They allowed scientists to analyze the impact on the brain as a chronic lack of sleep and interrupted sleep. Experts have established that lack of sleep reduces the number of neurons in the brain, and interrupted night contributes to the accumulation in the brain of toxic Tau protein.

It is during adolescence that such sleep disturbances can be especially dangerous in terms of health outcomes, the authors of the project. Adolescents under 18 years of age must sleep at least 8 hours a day, but due to the hormonal surges, characteristic of the age of puberty, and propensity for fun at a later time the duration of sleep in young people today is sharply reduced. Meanwhile, the adolescent period is critical for the development of the nervous system, so all the negative phenomena of this age is much more detrimental to brain than, for example, in adults, experts explained.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what foods can cause insomnia.