Muscle injuries

What are muscle injuries than they are fraught, and what you need to do to regain his former form?

With all the variety of injuries that occur in sports, most of the problems doctors deliver damage to the joints, pubalgia (inguinal pain), and of course muscle injuries.

It muscle injuries are more common other and the cause of most trouble to the physician and sports teams. The affected muscle is a complex concept, it is based on violation of the integrity of muscle and tendon fibers, leading to disruption of muscle function. It should be noted that the muscle injury is damage relative to gravity: it prevents the sport, but the great danger to health is not.

See also:delayed onset muscle SORENESS: 5 PROVEN WAYS to RELIEVE MUSCLE PAIN by YOURSELF

The muscle starts from the fibers of the tendons (at the site of attachment of the tendon to the bone) is further transferred directly to the tendon and the belly of the muscle.

Itself muscle consists of muscle fibers and connective tissue. In addition to muscle fibers and connective tissues in the muscle have fibrous areas. Almost 90% of muscle injuries occur at the junction of tendon and muscle, or muscle and fibrous area.

Degree I stretching

A sprain is an injury of the muscle fibers without damaging the connecting elements. Most often, a sprain occurs at the peak of exercise. The pain is with stretching and palpation.

Imagine that the muscle tendons and ligaments this spring, says William Roberts, a physician in sports medicine at the University Minnesota When a spring is stretched, it tends to return to its former state, until it can’t stretch more than its design allows.

Recommended treatment: rest, muscle relaxants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, relaxing massage.

Often athletes believe that damages of this kind are insignificant and relate to the treatment process without proper attention, which leads to increase in terms of full recovery and often complications.

II degree tear muscle fibers

Rupture of muscle fibers is irreversible damage the small amount of muscle fibers, with minimal damage to connective tissue elements. Is manifested by a sudden sharp pain, the pain is worse when stretching, palpation decreases.

Recommended treatment: rest, first two days cold, magnetic therapy, ultrasound monitoring, physical therapy, ultrasound therapy, massage. The training load is recommended to start in the pool.

Degree III tear of the muscle

Rupture of the muscles is multiple damage to the muscle fibers and connective tissue. When you break the muscle is formed intramuscular hematoma. When injuries occur there is severe and prolonged pain, the person loses mobility of the muscles, the pain is local.

Recommended treatment: trauma refers to the severe, the treatment takes place in 3 stages. In the first phase (1-2 days) cold compression and analgesics and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ketorol, etc.), muscle relaxants, at the second stage, electrotherapy, ultrasound, muscle relaxants, providing rest for the muscles, in the third phase, the athlete undergoes rehabilitation (gradual load increase, exercise bike, swimming pool)

Degree IV complete rupture (separation) of the muscle

For the fourth degree is characterized by a complete rupture of the muscle fibers and connective tissue. At the time of injury may cause a sensation of clicking, there is a sharp pain, bruising, swelling muscle.

Recommended treatment: surgical intervention. Possible conservative treatment, but the clinical results after surgery give the best results.

After receiving injuries conducted a preliminary examination of the athlete, if necessary, appoint additional research ultrasound and MRI.

Important points:

  • never start the treatment without an accurate diagnosis (with the exception of emergency care, bandage, ice);
  • in the case of bruising, it is puncture in Uicontrol
  • at the stage of rehabilitation the basic rule is the rule of painlessness and a gradual increase of muscular load;
  • after the start of the training, the past treatment the athlete should undergo a daily inspection, if necessary, ultrasound, MRI control;
  • the refusal of the local injection (Traumeel, glucocorticoids…) in case of puncture hematoma;
  • Mandatory compliance programs for the prevention of relapse (at least three times a week).

Experience in the rehabilitation of elite athletes shows that the most effective rehabilitation is undertaken in specialized rehabilitation centers in the state which includes highly qualified physical therapists, massage therapists, trainers for physical training and sports psychologists. An integrated approach allows to cover all necessary aspects of the recovery process.

The athlete also recommended that adequate prevention, diet, including mineral salts, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, exercise on neuromuscular adaptation.