Everything you need to know about moles and warts

In the who classification, there are about 300 items that the person is not associated with dermatology, used to call the mole. What is the mole differs from papilloma, are these education danger, and whether to delete them, told Mednovosti member of the Eurasian Federation of Oncology (EAFO), surgeon European clinics Vyacheslav Lisovoy.

The medical term mole nevus. Every nevus is essentially a benign tumor arising from mutations in the skin cells. Nevi are of two types: pigmented and pigmentless dark light. Actually, the range of color of moles is very wide: from dark brown to pale pink. The appearance of moles on the body is due to many factors. It may be a genetic predisposition sometimes the children develop nevi at the same locations as the parent; effects of UV light, because when it activates melatonin; hormonal changes or taking certain medications, e.g. steroids. The majority of moles are not dangerous, have no special functions and are simply accumulations of pigment.

What is a mole dangerous?

An experienced oncologist will notice nevus threat immediately. In the United States has developed a special test system ABCD. This system allows easy to understand when it is time to consult with a specialist. Each letter in this acronym stands for a key sign that you need to pay attention to.

  • A (asymmetry) asymmetry of the tumor,
  • B (boundary) boundaries, their uneven contours,
  • C (color) color: not uniform, and the alternation of sections with various color,
  • D (dimention) the maximum horizontal size (over 6 mm).

But to put a diagnosis alone is not worth it, in the presence of a risk factor for nevus does not necessarily turn into melanoma. Even if there are a few factors, it’s still about what does not speak. Therefore, in order to be sure of their safety, should be regularly checked out, on average once a year.

At risk are also people with lots of moles, more than 50, and those who have a genetic predisposition to skin cancer.If the nevus is inconvenient, damaged or too vulnerable, it is recommended to remove because repeatedly traumatized nevus has an increased risk of transformation to melanoma. But the appearance of hair growth is a sign of a benign nevus and is a normal phenomenon.

There is a misconception that the removal of the nevus could trigger the development of cancer in this place. But the disease is not the removal of moles and too late and superficial destruction of already established melanoma.

Than papilloma differs from moles?

Papilloma colorless fungus on a stem, the appearance of which is caused by the ingestion of human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is able to penetrate the skin when it is damaged or due to sexual transmission. Papillomas most often appear in the neck, armpits and chest. To distinguish them from nevi can be characterized by the presence of the legs of the tumor.

The human papillomavirus has 27 species and more than 150 strains, some of which possess oncogenic properties. For example, HPV 16-th, 18th, 31st, 33rd, 35th and 39th types is the main cause of cervical cancer. At the same time, infected these types of viruses people can not be no external manifestations. Not long ago, the American management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA) approved the HPV vaccine for men and women from 27 to 45 years. Previously, this vaccine is recommended only for teenagers and people not older than 26 years.

In addition to dangerous strains of the virus are common and quite harmless, such as the conventional cold sores, which is almost everyone.Papillomas can also occur with the weakening of immunity during pregnancy and childbirth due to hormonal changes within the body.

Do I need to remove papillomas?

Papillomas appeared as a result of the weakening of immunity, treatment and elimination of the causes may disappear by themselves. To the group of tumors that do not need removing, are also papillomas have minor children. Most often the cause of unformed immune system of a teenager. The rest of papillomas to remove costs, at least for aesthetic reasons. It is recommended to remove tumors that are located in vulnerable areas and could be injured. Thus, in any case should not self-medicate and try to get rid of tumors on their own, removing them, cauterizing or using other traditional methods.

Methods of removal of moles and warts

There are many ways to remove as nevi and papillomas. One of the most common methods are laser removal. The procedure is bloodless, and is performed under local anesthesia. Its advantages include sterility, rapid recovery, safety for the skin. After the laser exposure the skin does not remain any trace.

Often used cryodestruction method: removal of tumors with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is very quick, takes no more than five minutes, but quite painful without adequate anesthesia. After removal at the scene of the moles formed a crust, which later disappears. This method is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the cold.

Exists and radiowave mole removal when affected area of the skin is dissected using radio waves. The procedure is painless, but, in contrast to nitrogen removal, healing occurs quickly enough, the crust disappears after a week.

The most reliable method of removing it is surgery. It is suitable for larger entities with complex cases and at suspicion on Oncology. But in this case, although the operation is fast enough, the healing process will be delayed for a few weeks. After surgery may remain a small scar. Therefore, to remove small moles on the face, if possible, better to choose other methods.

Irina Reznik