Even half an hour of Internet a day ruining children

Children who sit only half an hour on the Internet each day are twice as likely to ask their parents unhealthy food. To such conclusion researchers from the UK.

There are many negative consequences of fascination with children Internet, TV and other gadgets to the detriment of normal physical exercise and walks, and reading. That is why experts urge you to limit contact of the child with screens of different devices to two hours a day. Now, however, a British study has shown that if a child spends in the Internet at least half an hour a day, it is almost twice as likely to subsequently require from their parents the food that is included in the category of an empty calorie. Such food include fast food, chips, soda and similar products, not bringing any benefit to health.

If a child spends on the computer more than three hours a day, then it is 4 times more likely to spend their pocket money on buying empty calories in comparison with their peers who have contact with gadgets and limited. Lovers of computers 80% more likely to later become victims of obesity and excess weight. Experts stress that got another proof that the is different kinds of empty calories is one of the most powerful causes of the epidemic of childhood obesity that has gripped many countries. Not so long ago, this problem was faced and Russia.

Magicforum reminds that obesity dramatically increases the risk of 13 cancers, including tumors of the breast, colon and esophagus. Obesity causes additional strain on the heart, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, it is the main factor in the development of type II diabetes. Finally, the need all the time to carry huge amounts of excess weight on the body negatively affects the bones, which causes osteoporosis and other dangerous diseases. (READ MORE)