Calf cramps? A waste product from your kitchen helps perfect mind Video

Often, you torment us at night or during sports: cramps in the calf or foot muscles. Far better than the commonly recommended Magnesium a home remedy, the prescribing physiotherapist even professional athletes helps.

To date, the cause of muscle cramps is not fully understood. Most are trying to stretch and Magnesium, the cramps counteract. Stretching also helps, in most cases, the Use of Magnesium, however, is controversial.

Doctors and pharmacists recommend the Mineral anyway. However, electrolyte deficiency is often the cause for a muscle spasm, but a faulty spinal reflex. Two muscle sensors are not in harmony with each other and interfere with each other. This allows the muscle to strongly contract.

In the case of Magnesium, can not help. What helps instead, the leftover cucumber water from pickled cucumbers.

US researchers have found that cucumber water cut in half the time of a Muskelkrampfs. The study authors recommend, therefore, in the case of acute cramps to drink a big SIP of it. The sour taste of the water is to reduce the activity of the impulse-generating nerve cells, and the acting antispasmodic. Whether other acidic foods such as lemon juice or vinegar to help, is not yet known.

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