Aging starts at the age of 39

American scientists have determined at what age in the body of modern humans begins the process of aging. According to their conclusion, this happens in 39 years.

According to scientific experts, aging starts at the age of 39, but for most of the first symptoms are invisible. The researchers conducted a series of experiments, and eventually came to the conclusion that in the 39 years included a trigger to the extinction of mental and physical activity.

The researchers found that in 39 years in the body starts decreasing number of myelin – the substance that protects nerve cells. The decline in manufacturing makes the cells more vulnerable to damage, which provokes the development of processes leading to the so-called age-related diseases.

If the need to bend over a fallen log makes the body sick, or if you fall asleep in front of the TV, it is possible that this means that the body begins to age. The first signs of aging that can occur in 39 years, scientists believe the pain and stiffness in the joints. In addition, signal the beginning of aging, according to them, are the difficulties arising from the use of modern technology.

In 2015, scientists from the University of North Carolina made a statement that at the age of 25 years in humans, it is possible to notice the early signs of aging.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that slowing gait may indicate serious illness and approaching death.