Age, which we feel, is more important than the passport

Age at which a person feels, is a more significant figure than the stamp in the passport. And you should try to feel younger for longer.

For the health of a person’s subjective age is more important than the objective. In other words, the magic figure are the years that we feel, and this conclusion comes an increasing number of researchers. So if a woman confidently says that she’s 38 years old and will never be more then maybe her body is trying this match. As it concerns the health of the cardiovascular system, as well as many other important organs.

Self-hypnosis plays a very significant role in stabilizing human health. Even if you have over 50, and time on what does not remains, be sure to try something new. This is very useful for the brain, because such kind of Hobbies do not give to get stuck in a rut. It is not necessary to do jumping from the cliff or rock climbing, unless you’ve dreamed about this since childhood. But regular visits to yoga, for example, can produce the desired positive impact. In any case, whatever you choose, be sure to bring friends because of their positive support is needed in order to continue to feel young.

There are some purely practical tips, following which can keep youth. For example, exercise regularly. Optional push heavy weights, but Jogging, Biking, swimming pool and just home classes are very important. Try new sports and activities. If you need to perform some manual labor, do not try to replace it by machines or incoming employees. Try to reduce your level of stress, often communicate with friends and family, give time to yourself. And I sincerely believe that you are much younger than his passport age. (READ MORE)