11 things that should not do with elevated body temperature

During an infection, our body increases the temperature of the body. We, often without realizing it, seek to remove the symptom. But grandma’s advice to wrap myself in a blanket and sipping hot tea in this case can only exacerbate the situation.

On the eve of the period of colds edition AdMe.ru find out what mistakes we make most often when trying to lower a high temperature.

1. Eat oily or spicy food
When the temperature increases by 1 degree the metabolism in the body is accelerated, so is a must. “Heavy” food (fried, spicy) will not work because it creates your digestive system extra work and interfere with the body fight infection.

The right approach:

Eat fractional small portions.
To include in the diet of easily digestible food, rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins (fruits, berries, boiled vegetables, protein foods).
Any food should be at room temperature (to heat it, not worth it).

2. Eating foods containing sugar
The researchers found that an increase in the level of glucose in the body reduces the number of white blood cells responsible for destroying infected cells. In other words, the temperature will be able to get very far.

The right approach:

If you want sweet, it is better to give preference to the fruit.

3. Drinking hot tea and coffee
High temperature dehydrates the body, so you need to drink a lot, but correctly. Hot tea or milk trigger increased heat, and the temperature is rising. We should also mention coffee, it’s not recommended to drink as drink even more rapidly dehydrates the body.

The right approach:

Drink warm tea, juices or water.
If the temperature is not more than 38 °C, you can treat yourself to hot tea, but liking still not worth it.

4. Drink milk
In dairy products is casein protein, which under high temperature compacted. As a result, the stomach is formed of rubber porridge, which is very difficult to digest.

The right approach:

Quench your thirst with tea, juice or plain water.
Drink milk only after the temperature is brought down.

5. Breastfeeding

At temperatures above 38 °C the protein contained in the milk of nursing mothers, thickens. Does this change the taste of the mixture, and the baby may be too early to abandon breastfeeding. In addition, such milk is digested with difficulty and sometimes leads to irregularity.

The right approach:

To bring the temperature down in a secure means and only then proceed to feeding.
If the temperature lasts a long time, to use an artificial mixture.

6. Drink a lot of aspirin
Aspirin reduces the temperature, but in high doses it is absolutely contraindicated in high blood pressure and heart problems. Children under 16 years aspirin is not generally recommended because it can cause Reye’s syndrome (swelling of the liver and brain).

The right approach:

Drink 1 tablet of aspirin to reduce fever.
Replace acetylsalicylic acid with paracetamol, which acts not as aggressive on the stomach and intestines.

7. Drinking alcohol after paracetamol
By itself, acetaminophen is safe and effective, but has a hepatotoxic effect, i.e. negative effect on the liver. If you drink a couple of pills, nothing will happen. In the case of alcohol effect on the liver will be double, and in addition, there may be unpleasant consequences such as nausea and urticaria.

The right approach:

To refrain from beverages containing ethyl alcohol, at the time of treatment. Even candy with alcohol is better not earlier than 4-6 hours after ingestion of paracetamol.

8. Up feet and do hot inhalations
Hot water increases blood flow and increases the already high temperature. Inhalation is also useful to do when the runny nose and sore throat because the heat they do not remove, but rather increased. The same is true for hot tubs.

The right approach:

Soar feet when the temperature is below 37.5 °C.
Inhalations with SARS and other respiratory diseases, which occur without fever.

9. Not ventilated room
Dry stagnant air is a favorable environment for bacteria and viruses. It can provoke coughing and malaise. So the room, in which the person is exposed to high temperatures, it is necessary to organise the circulation of air. Ventilation does not only facilitate the patient’s condition, but will help not to get other family members.

The right approach:

In the summer keep the vents open all the time, unless you are creating the drafts.
Ventilate the room at least 2 times a day: before bedtime and immediately after waking (the patient at this point must be in another room).
In very dry air you can use a special humidifier or sprayer.

10. Make a cold compress and take a cool shower

The sudden cooling down help to bring down the temperature, but in the short term. This is an extreme method of “treatment”, and using them is fraught: the freezing weakens the immune system, so the body becomes more difficult to fight infection.

The right approach:

Quickly take a warm shower when needed.
Wipe a damp warm cloth to remove sweat.

11. Wrapped in a blanket
Sakalavas in a blanket or wearing warm clothes, we even more raise the temperature, and this increases the load on the heart and blood vessels. If it’s too long to stay in a “steam room”, there may be changes in pressure and shortness of breath.

The right approach:

To wear light cotton clothes that absorb sweat.
Bundle up when the temperature goes down.

How do you cope with high temperature?