10 tricks that will help not get sick this fall and winter

Over cooler and a topical question on how to not be laid up in bed with a cold and cough. Reveal the secret: you can save getting rid of some habits and a couple of non-obvious rules.

We care about your health and well-being, therefore, decided to introduce 10 simple, but very effective preventive measures that can significantly strengthen the immune system.

10. Do not sit on a low-fat diet
Diet in the winter — obviously a bad idea, especially for low-fat diets. The fact that for the normal functioning of the immune system in the body must be observed a certain ratio of all types of cells. In particular, the state of immunity depends on the activity of b-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes and macrophages. Here lies the secret: fats are also needed for the formation of the immune system, because the walls 3 of these types of cells are composed of lipids. Not surprisingly, with substantial or complete exclusion of fats from the menu’s resistance to infectious diseases is reduced.

It is worth noting that overeating is also not necessary, since the excess fat also suppresses the immune system, and excess sugars — a direct path to obesity. It is best to take note of this schedule: do not skip Breakfast and besides him leave for another 3 full meals a day, which includes carbohydrates, proteins and considerable amount of fruit or vegetables.

9. Trim the nails short and do not gnaw them
This is not only inelegant and spoils the appearance of the fingers, but also leads to diseases such as the digestive and infectious. To avoid any undesirable diseases specialists, in principle, suggest not to touch your face, unless you walk everywhere in sterile surgical gloves. Studies show that people who have the habit of touching your eyes, nose or mouth 41% more likely to suffer from infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, to say nothing of those who gnaws the nails “on a regular basis.”

Moreover, doctors also do not advise to grow in the season of colds long nails: in this case, it becomes particularly difficult to monitor the cleanliness of the skin and often even after you wash your hands the dirt remains under the nails and is then sent directly into the mouth when eating. Thus, giving preference to short nails, you obviously reduce the risk of potential health problems.

8. Brush your teeth more often and change your toothbrush every 2 months
Regular brushing reduces the chances of getting sick, because it successfully addresses the sources of inflammation and infections in the oral cavity. Preferring this procedure, we prevent the ingress of bacteria into the lungs. In one study, Israeli scientists were able to establish a relationship between the 3-time teeth cleaning and a significant reduction in the risk of developing pneumonia in patients. By the way, the same goes for evening washing the nose with salt water.

But regular and frequent brushing, there is a downside: if you normally experts recommend changing your toothbrush every 3-4 months, the flu season it is better to do it more often — every 1-2 months. This is necessary for good reasons: on the bristles also accumulate bacteria, no matter how well and carefully you wash the brush, and they may provoke the disease.

7. Less stress and more meditation

According to a study conducted at the University of Carnegie Mellon, people who have chronic tension, have a reduced immune system and get sick more often. That is, there is a direct relationship: when depressed, the body releases so-called stress hormones that weaken the immune system and greatly increase the probability of catching a cold or flu.

So, if you feel that your nerves to the limit and the condition is getting out of control, take a step back, breathe and take some action. For example, a well-proven meditation. Scientists from the University of Wisconsin in Madison found that people who practice meditation, 76% less prone to diseases. Let yourself relax on a day off to “reset” the nervous system after last week and to prepare it for the next.

6. Often ventilate the room
General ventilation, especially those in which you spend a lot of time, it is important all year round. This is especially true of offices which sits just a lot of people, but just in the room it would be helpful as well.

As for the autumn-winter period, open the Windows should not less than 1 time per day regardless of how cold the weather. Of course, these 10-15 minutes you need to warm up and go into another room. It is worth noting that we are not talking about drafts, namely the ventilation, which works in two areas: sculpture viruses and bacteria and helps the cells of your body, especially the immune, to work better due to the influx of oxygen.

5. A good night’s sleep, but without the help of pills
Quality sleep means at least 7 hours of rest at a certain time of night (between 22:00 and 7:00). Studies have shown that people who sleep less than it should be victims of cold 3 times more often, as this weakens the immune system.

There is one significant “but”: to establish experts recommend a natural way, and in any case not with the help of sleeping pills. Why? Because any tablet used indiscriminately, — the enemies of a healthy immune system. Better make it a rule to do morning exercises, take yoga, take evening walks or, even easier, start with buying the right orthopedic pillow and mattress.

4. Engage the taste buds

The use of warm drinks has long been considered a panacea for colds: we are diligent drinking warm water, herbal teas, chicken soup for prevention and treatment. But special attention, experts advise to pay the drinks with a strong taste, such as tea with lemon or ginger. In addition to the obvious benefits, namely that they ease sore throat due to the profuse discharge of saliva, these foods have other important properties.

Lemon is not only rich in vitamin C, and pectin — a natural prebiotic that helps digestion. It also contains large amounts of citric acid, which cleanses the kidneys. All of this has a positive effect on the immune system.

Ginger has warming and soothing effect. It contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals, including chromium, which withstands both the chills and the heat. Ginger is also effective against cough, sore throat and headaches, as able to excrete toxins and cleanse the body.

3. Often look into the sauna
In the study, Austrian scientists 50 adult subjects were divided into 2 groups and monitored for 6 months. One group was instructed to regularly visit the sauna, and the other led his normal life. The experiment was summed up: people from the first group showed the best resistance to colds and been sick 2 times less.

This is due to the fact that hot air kills bacteria, and pairs of treatments have a positive effect on the immune system. It should be noted that before entering the sauna you should consult with your doctor, as this at least is contraindicated for people with heart problems and blood circulation.

2. Do not go overboard with frequency of cleaning
Regular cleaning is certainly important and even necessary. Special attention should be paid to wet cleaning in General, and the surfaces on which you spend a particularly long time (like the desktop), in particular. Also doctors advise not to circumvent the door handles, switches and other similar elements to which we and the rest of the family and guests touch most often. It is necessary to promptly destroy accumulated from the touch of dust and germs and do not allow them to proliferate and to gather in such quantities, which in theory can lead to disease.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the excessive use of disinfectants aggressive composition leads to the development and emergence of resistant microorganisms. Why not aim for 100% sterility — enough only to periodically wipe the surface with a sponge with a neutral or mild detergent.

1. Often spend time with those you love
Laughter, positive emotions and positive social interaction have a fairly strong effect on the immune system. The Council, therefore, less to communicate with people in the season of colds is not as straightforward as it seems. To such conclusions scientists who have found that time together with loved ones, hugs and intimate conversations make our health stronger.

Studies also show that people in happy romantic relationships tend to get sick less than single. So it is quite possible that our growing in the winter often desire to be near loved ones or to find a mate for evening get-togethers in the arms is justified not only by psychological factors, but biological.