The most useful products for the blood. Food that will help to improve the blood

Include in your diet these 10 wonderful foods that will help to improve the blood. Regular consumption of liver, cabbage, marine fish and beets will significantly improve the qualitative characteristics of blood.

Beef liver contains large amounts of iron, deficiency of which leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Iron deficiency also increases the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.

In addition to iron, the liver still contains such a substance as heparin, which is a preventive measure against thrombosis and myocardial infarction.

Beef liver with caramelized onions sparray

The liver goes very well with porridge made out of corn, tykvennuyu or hummus.

In fatty sea fish contains large amounts of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acidsthat reduce cholesterol in blood and risk of development of atherosclerotic changes. In addition, fish is rich in substance taurine, due to which blood pressure is normalized.

Fish with lemon sauce, capers, carrots and potatoes

Mackerel, sardines, Pollock, tuna, sea bass, flounder, halibut are considered fat varieties.

Cabbage and broccoli are very useful products for blood. These vegetables are rich in folate, through which the synthesis of new blood cells. Also in cabbage and broccoli there is vitamin K, which participates in blood clotting.

Broccoli salad with raisins and blue cabbage

Broccoli is rich in folic acid, whereby the synthesis of new blood cells.

Citrus fruits good for your blood, primarily by the presence of vitamins A, C and fiber. Vitamin a helps to normalize the sugar level; vitamin C increases the absorption of iron and fiber helps to reduce bad cholesterol.

Salad with arugula, citrus, nuts and beets

Citrus fruits good for your blood, primarily by the presence of vitamins A, C and fiber.


Apples contain lots of pectin, which binds and removes bad cholesterol and helps normalize blood sugar levels.

Read also:10 FOODS for COLDS

Baked apples stuffed with nuts, raisins, cinnamon

Apples normalize the level of sugar in the blood.

Most useful for blood is considered to be buckwheat honey, because it contains maximum amount of minerals, amino acids and organic acids. Regular consumption of buckwheat honey normalizes the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of blood cells such as leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes.

Pear stuffed with walnuts, honey

Regular consumption of buckwheat honey normalizes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of formed elements of blood.


Beets can be considered a natural hematopoietic agent. This product contains substances that promote the formation of red blood cells.Beets contain nutrients, but is low-calorie product. And adesola belongs to the group of vegetables and fruits, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and dementia.


Salad with tomatoes and beets

Beets are considered natural hematopoietic agent.

Pomegranate, especially pomegranate juice, indicated for iron deficiency anemia, as this fruit contains large amounts of iron.

Chicken stew with pomegranate

Pomegranate, especially pomegranate juice, indicated for iron deficiency anemia, in the absence of stomach problems and allergies.

Regular intake of avocado was a decrease in bad cholesterol. Substances contained in this fruit, help to normalize the process of hematopoiesis and blood circulation.

Avocado with vegetables and hummus

Avocationally the processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation.

Due to its composition, nuts are an important product for blood health. They contain large amounts of magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins A, b and C.

Pecans in brown sugar

Nuts are an important product for blood health, Oreh pecan known for its extraordinary healing properties.


  • Diet with high hemoglobin
  • when the iron weight in gold
  • anemia in the elderly