7 reasons Wake-up from lack of air

In a perfect world, all people sleep peacefully every night and Wake up feeling rested. Although necatoriasis a dream is a dream. If you Wake up at night due to lack of air, the cause may be a variety of factors, including a serious health condition.So,7 reasons Wake-up from lack of air.

Hypnagogic jerking

These harmless muscle cramps can gonna happen when falling asleep. Often they are accompanied by a small gasp, and you may feel palpitation of the heart.

According to the Mayo clinic, these quick, involuntary muscle spasms called myoclonus (hiccup and convulsions are also considered forms of myoclonus).

The sleep (specialists in sleep medicine) are not fully known causes of such seizures, but there are a few popular theories. First, your nerves give a small crash during the natural process of transition to the sleep mode.

The second theory is that the jerking happen when you too quickly pass the first stage of sleep. At this stage, your heart rate, breathing and eye movements slow down, muscles relax, brain waves start to slow down. If your body moves to the next stage too quickly, the heart rate slows down even moreand the body may think that your health is in trouble so dramatically leads you into consciousness.

Very often the brain tries to explain what happens to the body with the help of dreams. Perhaps you will dream that you stumbled or fell down the slope. This is because your brain interpreterpath muscle relaxation, induced sleep, like falling.

Although factors such as too much caffeine or stress can be the cause of this twitching, sometimes they happen for no apparent reason.

Postnatally syndrome

In this case, in the back of the throat accumulates excess mucus. This can occur due to allergies, colds or any other illness that causes runny nose.

Despite the fact that postnatally syndrome is usually not serious, it can cause asthma at night. Postnatally syndrome can block the Airways of mucus. Sleeping on the back is especially bad, because the gravity helps get rid of sputum. Try sleeping with your head elevatedso that the mucus can drain freely.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux (also known as acid reflux) occurs when stomach contents enters the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the intestines. This can occur if the lower esophageal sphincter (which is supposed to separate the esophagus from the stomach) becomes weak or malfunctions.

Gastroesophageal reflux can cause an uncomfortable sensation known as heartburn, along with problems such as a sour taste in my mouth. Some people experience this reflux overnight, during sleep, which can lead to irritation and narrowing of the Airways, causing a sensation of shortage of air.

If you are experiencing severe acid reflux at least once a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a more serious form of the disease. It can cause additional symptoms, such as chest pain, persistent cough, laryngitis and sleep disorders. Oddly enough, it also may result in new or exacerbated asthma, which is another possible preciousone revivals.

If you know that you have gastroesophageal reflux, and you often Wake up at night with shortness of breath, talk to your doctor. He may recommend dietary changes such as avoiding certain acidic foods. If the reflux increases, the doctor may prescribe medication or even prescribe surgery.


When you have asthma, triggers such as pollen or animal dander, can cause inflammation of Airways and accumulation of mucus, which makes breathing difficult. This can lead to shortness of breath and other symptoms (wheezing and chest pain) that tend to worsen at night.

One potential reason for this is the increased exposure to triggers such as dust mites or pet that can hide in your bedroom. Also, at night your body can release higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can increase inflammation in your respiratory tract.

If the asthma attack asthma attacks happened at night, you need to sit down, because this situation is more convenient to work with the respiratory system. If you have an inhaler with medicine that opens the Airways, take advantage of them. If these attacks bother you too often, discuss it with your doctor during your next visit. Likely, your treatment plan asthma will have to be reviewed to improve the state of your health.

Panic attack

According to the National Institute of mental health USA, a panic attack is a sudden episode of extraordinary fear, which causes a strong physical reaction. It’s really a terrible situation, which may differ in different people, but in General, an anxiety attack causes a feeling of impending death, accompanied by palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, chills, nausea, stomach cramping, chest pain, headache, dizziness and a feeling of detachment from reality. You may find that you have a heart attack or even death.

If you have a panic attack talk to your doctor. He can recommend an effective treatment plan that combines psychotherapy and medication. For example, cognitive behavioural therapy will help you review your thinking patterns, to reduce anxiety, and selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake, eliminate other symptoms.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious disorder that leads to pauses in breathing. The most common form is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs due to relaxation of the neck muscles.

If the muscles in the throat become too weak, the airway can become compressed, which leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the body. Brain receives a signal that you can’t breathe, so uncastable you awake, so you can reopen your airway. Although this can happen several times during the night, awakening is usually so short that people don’t always remember them in the morning.

If you have Central sleep apnea (less common form TATUS), which happens when the brain does not pass signals of respiratory muscles, you’re likely to Wake up from lack of air. In addition to Wake-up from lack of air, the symptoms of sleep apnea usually include loud snoring, dry mouth, morning headaches, drowsiness during the day and irritability.

If you regularly Wake up, gasping, and your partner notices that you snore, you should consult a doctor. He may recommend a CPAP-therapy (artificial lung ventilation using continuous positive pressure), or other effective treatment options.

Heart disease

Problems like heart failure (when your heart muscle is not pumping blood properly), or pulmonary edema (excess fluid in the lungs, which can occur because of heart problems and other factors, such as a pulmonary embolism) can also cause Wake-up from lack of air.

Other symptoms of heart failure include fast or irregular heartbeat, fatigue and weakness, swelling in legs, hands and feet, persistent cough or wheezing, abdominal swelling, cough with bloody mucus and possibly pain in the chest.

According to the Mayo clinic, pulmonary edema is presented in several forms: acute (which happens suddenly), chronic (which is saved over time) and associated with high (happens when you are traveling or working at extreme heights). All types of edema of the lungs can cause several additional symptoms, but they are all associated with heavy, abnormal shortness of breath, which can even occur during sleep.

Heart failure and pulmonary edema are urgent medical conditions, so if you are experiencing the above symptoms, call an ambulance.