Up to a year: as long As you can use these foods after the expiration date

If the expiration date is in the past, threw away the food. So make it at least to many consumers. To counteract, the “panel” Germany, a poster created that shows how long individual foods, in reality, still can be used.

On the poster of the “panel” Germany are a great variety of foods listed, which are, for most people, an integral part of your refrigerator and your supplies. Including, how long the food are preserved after you apply according to the date of minimum durability already as unfit for human consumption. Before you throw away in the future, so just a little, if the date is expired, throw list, rather a look at the check:


Many of the food are up to a year longer than that given, prove that the minimum shelf life is often specified too short and it’s worth it to trust its senses and to check, by appearance, smell and consistency of the food, whether it is still edible.