How to fight hair loss

The contents

What to do if you notice hair loss?

Masks for hair, prepared with his own hands from falling out

Shampoos for hair popular recipes that will stop hair loss

There are few people that have not been faced with the problemof hair loss. It is quite a difficult situation, because a great variety of reasons. The most vulnerable from the negative factors the part of the human body – the scalp. If it fails in the body disrupted microcirculation of the skin and the hydro-lipid balance, which causes the deterioration of hair nutrition and regeneration of hair follicles. If in time not to begin treatment, the hair loss may continue. Magicforum found out how hair loss can be overcome.

What to do if you notice hair loss?

It is no secret that the modern market of cosmetology and even surgical treatment offers a lot of options from different shampoo to hair transplantation. But not all of these methods are expensive, and not everyone trusts the advertised funds. Because people increasingly seek to deal with hair loss at home. Ideally, of course, pre-pass medical examination to exclude diseases that can cause increased hair loss.

The most common and effective methods with such a problem ashair loss at home:

massage of the scalp;

mask for hair with his hands;

– shampoos popular recipes;

– broth-rinse;

-decoction for drinking.


If hair losshas not reached a critical level, as a preventive measure, just 2-3 times a week to massage scalp. And you can use the conventional massage brush their teeth brush was rounded at the ends without scratching the head. An excellent remedy for hair loss is to massage your scalp with your hands – light circular and cross-motion with both hands in the direction of the edge lines of hair growth to the top for 15-20 minutes 3 times a week will soon notice improvement in the condition of the hair and reduce hair loss. The essence of these exercises is to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, relieve possible swelling and a “Wake up” metabolism in the follicles of the hairs.

Masks for hair, prepared with his own hands from falling out

It is important to understand that we must not only fight hair lossbut also provide hair the quality of the food. Alas, whatever promised is modern shampoos, conditioners and masks – they are not able to provide the necessary food. To achieve the necessary level of saturation of hair with nutrients only by applying hair masks prepared at home from natural ingredients. During the treatment the mask to do 2-3 times a week, and as prophylaxis it is enough to conduct the procedure 1 time per 7 days. Recipes masks a huge variety, but it is very important to apply and withstand it. For most masks will fit the following algorithm:

1. prepare the mask for an hour before I plan to wash my hair, put on all length of hair;

2. wrap head with a wrap and top with a towel – this will enhance the penetration of nutrients into hair follicles;

3. to wash off better with a therapeutic shampoo.

The easiest and most popular way to beat hair loss mask with burdock. And it is a universal tool, which not only stops hair loss but also helps to solve the problem of hair breakage, split ends and even dandruff. To prepare this mask you will need 15 grams of warm butter, and egg yolk. This composition is added a few drops of essential oil. Also an invaluable aid in solving the problem will have aloe Vera juice – not only will stop hair loss, but also strengthen the follicles and prostimulirujte active hair growth. Many have heard about the healing properties of the masks with mustard, but then you need to be careful, because in violation of the technology of preparation of a mask you run the risk of losing hair. To prepare the mask will need 10 grams of dry mustard, 15 grams olive or burdock oil, 5 grams of honey, egg yolk and 20 grams of warm water. All components are mixed and applied on the scalp for 40 minutes. Ensure that scalp felt nice warm, but not burning! When the hair “grow” very much possible to try the onion mask – clear bulb and pass it through a meat grinder or grater. The resulting slurry apply on entire length of hair and on the scalp. After 2 treatments the hair become shiny and reduces hair loss.

Shampoos for hair popular recipes that will stop hair loss

Many of those who are faced with the problem of hair loss, in trying to solve the problem I spent a lot of money to buy the advertised shampoo, which supposedly facilitate the cessation of hair loss. Unfortunately, most of these tools – dummy (although some even cause the opposite of the intended effect and hair loss becomes even stronger).
A great alternative to such means it is shampoos prepared at home according to national recipes from natural ingredients. Gentle action ensures that the shampoo “chemicals and synthetics”, are longer and more comprehensive beneficial effect it on your hair. One of the most popular mustard shampoo for cooking that will need 15 grams of dry mustard, and 150 grams of warm water. The ingredients are mixed and thoroughly rubbed into the hair, then wash off with warm water.

Decoction for rinsing hair

In addition to the masks and shampoos in the fight with hair loss will help herbal teas based on herbs. The preparation of this decoction will not be difficult, because the broth is a steamed with boiling water and a little tested on a small grass fire. Decoctions do not require rinsing due to the fact that applied on pre-washed hair. Calamus, oak bark, thyme, agrimony or red peppers are great to prepare decoctions. Before use, the broth should infuse, then strain it carefully.

Decoctions for use inside

Oddly enough, but a decoction for rinsing equally effective for use inside. So eating at night a Cup of broth for cooking that will require a mixture of equal parts of sweet flag, burdock root, hops, and 1 liter of boiling water, you a week will see improvement of the condition of the hair.

In any case, those who have decided to fight with hair loss at home, must consciously and seriously to approach the question of choosing the means for such a struggle.

Previously created Botox for hair.