How to cure pimples at home

The contents

The causes of formation of pimples

Acne treatment at home

Acne is a rather unpleasant problem with the skin, which can be formed for both women and men. The disease can be ad hoc or systematic. At constant abundance of pimples on face people prefer to conceal them with makeup, but it is fundamentally the wrong decision. You need to eradicate the problem, to not have to cover up every pimple a ton of makeup.

This article lists the main causes of acne. We will also show you how to get rid of this scourge at home.

The causes of formation of pimples

First, acne may occur due to improper nutrition. Dermatologists call this reason as the most important. After all, nutrition plays an important role in the health and beauty of man. So, to provoke acne can greasy foods, fast food, semi-finished products. It is better to consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Second, usually pimples occur due to hormonal failure. Often it’s a problem that teenagers during their puberty. But adults can suffer from acne. For example, women during pregnancy and after childbirth faced with a dermatological problem. Need to see a doctor to find out what your hormonal and should take the medication.

Thirdly, because of the abundance of cosmetic products is very often caused acne. The fact that they contribute to the clogging of the pores, the skin ceases to breathe, and this causes our problem. As a recommendation — allow your skin a break from makeup, relax, and at the time of treatment from acne at all sure about using tonalnikov and powders.

Fourth, the environment. The state of the environment directly affects our appearance. Unfortunately, you do in this situation is to not do anything. Except to move to a region where the environment is much better.

Fifth, stress is accompanied by changes in the skin. If you often feel nervous, experience anxiety, emotional outbursts, it’s time to treat the nerves. Perhaps, and pimples will go away.

Sixthly, pimples can be the consequence of infectious disease, and allergic reactions.

The violation of the basic skills of personal hygiene, likely to cause acne. Must wash before bed, wash off all cosmetics, make the skin free from various irritants, and the pores were not clogged.

When the first signs of acne is best to seek the advice of a dermatologist.

Acne treatment at home

Remember, to appoint a competent treatment can only be a dermatologist. But his hands also can get rid of the problem.

What people do in the formation of acne? Of course, under pressure from the contents. But it is totally a wrong method, as it can develop more serious problems. So, there can be scarring or scars. Also nevidannogo to the end of a rod of the spot can get new acne. In addition, these measures can lead to the ingress of infection in the blood infection.

If the pimple is fully Mature, do the following:

– Treating the skin area with hydrogen peroxide to antiseptic.

– Gently squeeze the abscess light pressing movements.

– Then treat the resulting wound with an alcoholic solution.

– Apply on the wound healing cream. Well suited for this purpose, the ointment “Levomekol”.

– Before bed, apply to the affected skin with a compress of healing herbs. The most effective will be the Daisy and the celandine.

To get rid of acne, you must first adjust their nutrition. The diet must contain vitamins and useful micronutrients, including zinc. Also, try to give up alcohol, Smoking and other harmful habits. It will only help to recover faster.

Here are some effective masks for the treatment of acne on the face:

Clay mask

In cosmetic clay, add water, stir until a state of pulp, apply on face. Keep the mask for 10-15 minutes, the mixture should dry on the face. After that, rinse it under running warm water. With this mask the skin will be cleaned, removed dirt from the pores, and pimples are dried a little.

Yogurt mask

Mix one Cup of yogurt with a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal and lemon juice (two drops). This mask should be applied only to affected areas and wash off after 25 minutes.

Honey mask

Honey will have a beneficial effect on the skin: smooth, soften, give silkiness. To prepare the mask, mix two teaspoons of honey, egg yolk, few drops of lemon juice. Wear on face for 15 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure every four days throughout the month.

The mask of soap

Grate soap on a grater, add water and stir, whisk the mixture to foam and add salt. Apply the mask on the face. Wear 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Garlic mask

You can use garlic in several ways. For example, to make an incision in the garlic clove and RUB the affected area. You can also chop the garlic in thin slices and put on skin as a mask. A third way is to mix the juice of garlic with a small amount of vinegar, then let the mixture infuse for three days. Then RUB the mixture of acne.

Also help pimply skin can different tinctures from herbs. So, you can take chamomile, pour boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. Moisten this with water cotton swab and apply on the skin. Every three hours to repeat the process.

The juice of aloe Vera and parsley is also effective in getting rid of pimples. They wipe the skin twice a day.

You can get rid of acne using salicylic acid. To do this, wipe the damaged areas of this remedy in the morning and stuff. With this acid on the skin will be drying effect. Then you need to put on the face moisturizer.

In any pharmacy you can buy funds based on sulfur, that have antimicrobial activity. But you can use them not more than once a day.