Hair growth inhibitor prevents protein DKK2

The answer to the question about why on the palms and soles of the feet do not grow hair gave scientists from the Medical school of Perelman and the University of Pennsylvania who conducted a joint study. They said, hair growth on these areas of the body lets the protein-inhibitor DKK2, blocking WnT signaling pathway, which is responsible for the development of hair follicles.

The researchers found that the WnT signaling pathway controls hair growth, and its activity promotes their growth and abundance, while off, on the contrary, impedes hair growth and leads to their loss. After analysis of the skin in mice, which is similar to human skin, scientists have established that traditionally hairless areas of the skin are characterized by high activity of a protein inhibitor DKK2. When the specialists worked on him, forcing him to turn off our hairless until the skin began to grow hair.

Experts came to the conclusion that absolutely every area of skin has a system which promotes hair growth. In certain areas, for example, on the soles and palms, it is just blocked by the protein inhibitor DKK2 on the signal path, awakening hair follicles and causes hair to grow.

“We know that WnT signaling pathway is critical for development of hair follicle-blocking it leads to the skin without hair, whereas stimulation on the contrary gives abundant growth. In this study, we have shown how the hairless areas of the skin naturally produce an inhibitor that interrupt this signaling pathway,” said study co-author, Dr. Sarah Millar.
New discovery scientists can form the basis of the promising techniques for treating hair loss or stimulating hair density and hair growth.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that the skin around the eyes gives the real age of the person.