Care of skin disease

The contents

Who regard the problem?

What’s not to like vascular skin?

How to care for skin disease in the winter?

Dermatologists believe that every second woman skin prone to redness. Unfortunately, there is no single way to cure the vascular skin, but these symptoms can be minimized so that the changes are not deteriorated and do not become permanent. You must use the appropriate derma cosmetics and avoid factors contributing to the emergence of a vascular network. Magicforum figured out what to do to overcome this problem and to save their skin from redness.

The problem of dilated capillaries on the skin affects a growing number of people, mainly women, due to the high level of estrogen, which has a relaxing effect on blood vessel walls. Initially, erythema is temporary, but over time it can turn into a permanent change with more prominent vascular mesh, mainly around the nose, cheeks and chin and on the neck and neckline. The first symptoms paroxysmal erythema occur around the age of 20 years, and the first permanent vascular changes – usually about 30 — 40. It should be remembered that inadequate skin care with the first symptoms of vascular problems can lead to rosacea. This is a serious disease difficult to treat, is manifested not only the constant redness of the skin, but also papules and pimples.

Who regard the problem?

Spider veins can occur under the influence of various factors, both internal and external. When the mechanism of action of small blood vessels is disturbed for some reason, is their constant expansion. That’s when they appear on the surface of the skin. This disease for both men and women. One of the main factors that contribute to spider veins is age. When the ageing processes are accelerated, the skin becomes thinner and blood vessels are weak and inelastic. The problem can also appear as a result of hormonal imbalance. Why telangiectasia are often a problem for women after pregnancy, puberty, menopause, or using hormonal contraception, lifestyle and diet.

The problem often appears or is enhanced among lovers of strong coffee, tea or salty dishes, not to mention alcohol and cigarettes which have a very negative impact on the condition of the vessel. It happens also that the predisposition to the formation of a vascular network inherited from grandmothers and mothers. This problem is hereditary, so is attentive to the skin, if your family has such problems. Extra care will reduce the risk of problems.

What’s not to like vascular skin?

Vascular skin does not like spicy, hot dishes and drinks. Also can not stand cigarettes, coffee and alcohol, does not react well to sudden temperature changes, therefore it is not recommended to expose it to sunlight and frost. Adverse effect on delicate facial skin also has stress and other strong emotions. All these factors lead to the expansion of blood vessels.

The difficult art of

A very important component of care is the make-up remover. Residual makeup left in the night, very irritating. For cleaning it is recommended to use a micellar fluid, and soap and water from the tap should be discarded, the best for this purpose is the thermal water. If you do the peeling, the enzyme that gently removes dead cells, accelerates the regeneration, cleanse pores, improve tone and skin sensitization to nutritional cosmetics. Day care you can use protective creams, and at night choose the ones that improve regeneration, soothe irritation and strengthen blood vessels.

How to care for skin disease in the winter?

Vascular the skin is often very sensitive and requires special care and selection of suitable cosmetics. It is very important that the drugs did not cause additional irritation. Therefore, you should avoid cosmetic dyes, intensely scented and alcohol-containing products that are not only dried, but also very often cause allergies and destroy the protective layer of the epidermis.

Cosmetics for this skin type must have a softening effect, strengthen blood vessels and protect it from exposure to wind, frost and UV radiation. Well, if it will strengthening the walls of blood vessels, vitamin C; vitamin K, which seals the walls of blood vessels; vitamins P and E, horse chestnut extract or evening primrose oil.

Tendering is valid allantoin or panthenol. Fits and also the aloe Vera extract that improves microcirculation, strengthens blood vessels and moisturize the skin. Very good effect is also to improve elasticity of walls of blood vessels, Ginkgo biloba extract; reduces redness Arnica extract mountain, also not everyone is aware that the horse chestnut extract has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous action and reduce the fragility of blood vessels.

Professional help

If the skin already has a network of spider veins, you should think about the opportunities offered by the aesthetic medicine. Very good results brings laser therapy. During the procedure, the laser emits short pulses of intense light that penetrate through the skin, it is absorbed by hemoglobin in the blood vessels.

The procedure allows a point to eliminate dilated capillaries and restore the natural color of the skin. Immediately after the procedure occasionally felt a burning sensation and the skin may be slightly pink, fortunately, these symptoms go away fairly quickly, and most of the small vessels, will cease to be manifested almost immediately. About how many sessions you will need, always decides the doctor. Assess the condition of the skin, and observing the effects of the treatment, it will adjust therapy based on individual needs and possible effects. It is also very important to adhere to strict guidelines for care, which receives patient conducted after the laser therapy.

Previously, scientists have figured out how to keep your skin youthful for a long time.