5 foods that accelerate the appearance of wrinkles

Eating certain foods can be a factor in the premature appearance of wrinkles on the face, experts say. Such products are instead used only occasionally, often included in daily diet – scientists see this as a major problem.

In particular, experts distinguish sugar. According to them, the sugar molecules have the ability to damage proteins. When the sugar destroys communication in proteins, those are deformed and produce toxins that disrupt cellular metabolism. Especially vulnerable to this destruction of collagen – a protein that provides the skin a healthy appearance, smoothness and elasticity. The tooth the elasticity of the skin decreases more actively manifest pigmentation and rosacea, early there are wrinkles due to UV damage. According to researchers, the skin is dangerous and sweeteners – they can cause bags under the eyes and inflammation on the skin.

Also provoke the appearance of wrinkles (as well irritation, inflammation of the skin) can milk. Although not all, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body associated with digestion of dairy products. Scientists have linked the negative effects of milk on the body with the presence of galactose (sugar). Experiments have shown that even very large amount of galactose can accelerate aging animals.

In addition to this caution you need to use spice, spices, spicy food. Spices accelerate blood circulation, but when the tendency to couperose such a feature of these products can lead to specific problems with the rupture of small blood vessels. If the weak blood vessels close to the skin surface, and the face is easy to appear redness, from eating hot and spicy food should be abandoned.

Another dangerous product for the face are sausages that contain WSS composition of phosphate supplements. Pripadanii organism neobrasayte connection with calcium, tonegative effect of Nastenki arteries sosudov makes the skin flabby and sagging.

Wrinkles can be caused by the consumption of tea or coffee. Those drinks are diuretics and contribute to dehydration in the body. Devoid of moisture, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, faster on it arise damage and wrinkles.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about how as armpits to determine the susceptibility to various diseases.